Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Beautifully Loved

Romans 8:39..."Nothing can separate us from the Love of God."

Of course I know that God loves me when I'm loveable. I know He loves me when I'm full of joy and love and peace. I know He loves me when I'm happy and full of positive energy and ready to tackle all the world's problems. Even then I like me.

But what about the other times? When I don't feel loveable? Like when I shout at my boys? When I feel so glum and gloomy? When I snap at anybody and everything? When my pessimism is oozing all over everybody around me? When my thoughts are so dark and twisted? When my tongue is so sharp that it cuts through even the toughest armor? How does God feel about me then?

Does God still love me even during those harsh and dark times of my life?

He's already answered that question with His blood.

He became a man and lived amongst us. He went through all the hurts and turmoils and temptations of living my tumultuous life. And not only that, but He DIED for me. He loved me enough to take my sins upon Himself and allowed Himself to be nailed to a cross, just for me, just for me to be saved. Even when I was still dark, gloomy and lived in the gutter in my thoughts, and He knew I was this way...despite all that, He still loved me enough to die for me.

Romans 5:8..."But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Do you know what that says? Despite the fact that I still have dark and horrible thoughts, have bad days, have a sharp edged tongue, when I'm a rampaging mom, when I'm all sulky and moody, He STILL loves me.

When I'm full of questions and doubts and whys and self-pity, He STILL loves me.

When I actually question His goodness and integrity, He STILL loves me.

When I do NOT trust Him, nor do I love Him back, He STILL loves me.

When I get so busy and forget to talk to Him, He STILL loves me.

When I'm so angry and I choose NOT to talk to Him, He STILL loves me.

When I'm exploding emotions all over my friends and family, He STILL loves me.

When I'm so full of hormones and PMS'ing, He STILL loves me.

When I'm so full of anger, distrust, and all those bad feelings, He STILL loves me.

When I don't feel beautiful nor lovely nor anything good, He STILL loves me.

When I feel VERY unloveable, He STILL loves me.

God LOVES imperfect me!!!!! He still thinks I'm beautiful even though I'm having a horrendous day!

My imperfection does not scare away my God. My mistakes do not force Him away. My blunders, moods, emotions, hurts, questions...absolutely NONE of that lessens His Love for me.

He cupped my face in His Hands and said, "You are beautifully loved enough for Me to die for you."

He is ALWAYS there waiting for me to love Him back.

Thank You, God, for loving me in spite of myself!

Dear Heavenly Father,
There are days when I come before you feeling not so good about myself. Where does my self-worth come from? Do I need to feel attractive to feel good about myself? Do I need a BIG accomplishment that draws attention? Do I need to be a superMom? Do I need a lot of "pretty" things to add value to my life? This is a topsy-turvy way to live, but I'm afraid I do exactly that - I equate my sense of self-worth with what I have, what I've done, what I've got in my possession or with how I look. It causes me to always compare myself with others in order to find my happiness. But when I'm looking at all these "things", I am NOT looking at You, O God. You give me my self-worth, You are the One who told me that I was worth You dying for. Everything in this life pales in comparison to who You are and my relationship with You. I want to thank You, God, simply for Your everlasting Love. You will never leave nor forsake me! Thank You, God, for simply loving me in spite of myself!
In Jesus' name, Amen

Ephesians 2:10..."We are God's masterpiece."

Sunday, January 29, 2012


This poster should start appearing all through out town. Keep watching for them!

I am excited as I start this new venture with God! I pray that this ministry brings all praise, honor and glory to our Father!

This ministry is a non-denominational group of Christian women who are bringing the message that every woman is WORTHY of God's Love, to empower women with God's Word and confidence. It's as simple as that!

R.o.C. on, ladies!