I'm gonna share with you what God has been whispering to me for the last couple of weeks.
These are like Love letters from God to me.
Maybe it will minister to some of you also.
I've dated each one as I sat down and wrote them.
I wrote them after I specifically asked God to speak to me.
It's after I've sat still and listened for His voice.
It's after I've tuned my ear to hear Him.
It's like God speaking to my soul personally, that's why they are written in the first person.
It's like God is trying to get it through my broken soul that He really does love me.
February 18, 2012
I am here. I am.
My Spirit totally envelopes you.
You are My child, My creation.
I love you the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Let My Spirit love you and guide you and comfort you.
You are NEVER alone because I am ALWAYS there with you and in you.
I know you better than you know yourself.
I know those areas of your heart that you even try to hide from yourself.
I know what motivates you in every decision you make, in every word you speak, even though sometimes you are unaware of what is your motivating force.
My Holy Spirit is there to gently guide you in discovering those hidden areas of your heart, to bring them into My Light, to dispel the darkness that lurks in your heart.
The darkness cannot persist once My Light penetrates it and exposes it.
Allow My Light to shine in your soul, in your mind, in your heart, in your thoughts, in your actions, in your words.
And then let My Light shine through you to others.
But as long as there is darkness in your heart, My Light cannot penetrate all the way through you.
Let My Light clean you out.
Let it get rid of all those nasty cobwebs and dustbunnies and dead bugs and hideous cracks...all those things that go unseen in the darkness.
Let it clean out all that self-doubt and low self-esteem and insecurities.
Once My Light shines, all that dirt and corrosion can be easily seen and cleaned out and repaired.
In the darkness, all that "nasty" stuff goes unseen. It can grow in the dark. It is fed by the darkness.
But once exposed to and in My Light, it can easily be cleaned and fixed.
Let My Light and Spirit fill in your gaping holes.
Let My Love fill your holes and make you whole again, to mend your soul again.
I love you.
Love, Your Father
February 23, 2012
I love you, My beautiful creation.
You are so beautiful.
Let My Love completely satisfy you.
Let it fill your heart and soul holes.
Let it rain My soothing and calming Peace all around you and inside you.
Let My Love completely saturate your heart.
I want you to know that you know that you know that I love you.
My Love is enough for you.
My Love gives you the strength and courage to love others.
Only with My Love locked in your soul can you love My other children the way that I love you.
Do NOT doubt that I love you.
Because when you doubt My Love, then it adds confusion and chaos in the love you share with others.
Be completely assurred of My Love.
Once you are stable in My Love, then you can share My beautiful love with others.
Love, Your Father
February 26, 2012
I am Your Father.
I love you unconditionally.
But with that love, I sometimes have to discipline you.
You are just like a teenager in your response to My discipline.
You get very defensive, you sulk, you retreat, you take it all personally, as an affront against you.
That is NOT what I want to happen.
I want you to view My discipline in the way that it is offered...out of My Love to guide you in the Christ-like direction you need to go.
I want you to grow into the beautiful woman of God that I created you to be.
I offer discipline as an opportunity for you to grow spiritually.
That's why I discipline...simply because I love you and can NOT watch your soul continue to break.
I love you too much to allow you to continue down the path and in the direction you were going.
Love, Your Father
February 29, 2012
I have everything under control.
You do NOT understand everything and there's no need for you to know everything.
I know. I plan. I guide. I direct.
ALL with your safety and best interests in mind.
I have your heart in My hand and I'm protecting it.
Things happen that you do not understand, but in the end, it ALL works together for your good.
I know and I understand and that's all that matters.
What is it to you that I work with other people in different ways than I do you?
I know what is best for each person.
I know what is best for you and for each of the people you love.
Allow Me to work by simply following Me.
That should be your one and only concern...FOLLOW ME!
I will not lead you nor the people you love astray.
Keep your focus on Me and it will all work out in the end.
I understand and know everything.
Trust Me.
Love, Your Father
Followed up by this scripture...John 21:22...this was basically Jesus telling me it's no concern of mine what He does with people as long as I follow Him and keep my eyes on Him.
March 1, 2012
I created a life journey designed specifically for you.
Nobody else's life belongs to you.
Your journey is different than anybody elses.
Keep your eyes on Me throughout your journey and you will NOT be disappointed in the end.
I love you for who I created you to be.
My Love is not based on what you do for Me, by how much you do for Me, by how much you talk to Me, nor by how much you love Me in return.
My love is unconditional...which means that my love is NOT based on what you give Me in return.
I love you for simply who you are.
Just believe that and you can accomplish any task I set before you.
You will have a full and complete life just knowing and believing that I love you.
Trust Me and you can accomplish EVERY task I set before you.
Trust Me and you can accomplish My Will in your life.
Trust Me and in the end, I can look you in the face and say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."
Love, Your Father
March 2, 2012
Why did I send My Son?
If you did not make mistakes, you would not have needed Jesus.
If you did not commit sin, you would not have needed Jesus.
If you did not fail, you would not have needed Jesus.
If you were perfect, you would not have needed Jesus.
Be comfortable in the fact that you make mistakes, you fail, you are not perfect.
When you make a mistake, STOP trying to hide it.
Bring it out in the open so that it can be washed in the blood of My Son.
Accept My Son as your Savior.
That's why He died.
If you hide your fallibility, then you make Jesus' sacrifice null and void.
Do you know that when you hide your mistakes and failures and sins, when you do that, you are denying Jesus...that He died in vain?
Let My Son embrace you and take your mistakes and sins and wash them away.
Let Jesus love on you.
Love, Your Father
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