Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nobody Understands Me

Isaiah 53:4..."He took our suffering on Him and felt our pain for us."

I am going through some really tough growing pains right now. The Lord is trying to lead me in a direction that I'm having a tough time dealing with. It has been almost a grieving process. So, please forgive me ahead of time if I get a little emotional with this.

I carry and feel my emotions very deep. That was the way that God created me to be. I'm learning to embrace that side of me but my, oh my, sometimes it really, really hurts.

But I'm certain that many a person, if not every person in this world, has been plagued with the statement of, "Absolutely nobody understands me nor what I'm going through!"

NOBODY understands what I'm feeling.

NOBODY understands how much my heart hurts.

NOBODY understands the pain that I'm feeling, emotionally and physically.

NOBODY knows when I curl up in a ball and just sob.

NOBODY understands me and my hurts and my pains and my emotions and my turmoils and my life.


And to a degree, that is true. Absolutely no other person in THIS world can understand how you feel, nor see what makes you hurt, nor see inside your heart, nor feel what you are feeling at this exact moment in time.


But you know what? Even before Jesus came on this earth, God did not understand our trials and temptations and hurts and turmoils and emotions and pains and what we have to endure in this life.

So, God came as a man to experience our life with us. He came to be tempted. He came to be tested. He came to feel. He came to experience. He came to understand. He came to cry. He came to die emotionally. He came to die physically.

Jesus knows how you feel.

You've got pressures as a person to have everything under control, be it as a parent, as an employee, as a spouse, as a Christian? Jesus understands.

You've got more to do on your schedule than you ever think is possible to accomplish? So did He.

You feel forsaken and forgotten and left by a close friend or all of your friends? So did He.

You've lost trust in someone you dearly love? So did He.

You feel physically defeated? So did He.

You feel so much hurt in your heart that you have no idea of how to exist, let alone live? So did He.

Jesus understands you. But not only that, He can see inside your heart and know EXACTLY what you are feeling. And empathize with you. And feel with you. And know you. AND He continues to love us.

Did you hear what I said? He knows every detail about our hurt and pain and emotions and HE STILL LOVES ME!

He STILL loves me despite my tumultuous emotions on the inside that have rocked my world. He STILL loves me despite my pain coming out in ways that do NOT make me lovely to anybody else. He STILL loves me in spite of my ugly heart that has shattered into itty bitty pieces. He STILL loves me even when my spirit feels oh so crushed and defeated. You know why He still loves me? Because He has experienced it ALL also and He knows what it feels like to be me!

Albeit nobody else in this world can ride this roller coaster of MY life with me and stick it out with me, Jesus continues to do so. He is still right here, beside me, whispering to me, embracing me...LOVING ME just for who I am, and hurting with me, and feeling with me, and experiencing deep emotions with me.

Jesus knows how you feel.

You are so loved by Him that He came to earth as a man so that He can whisper to you, "I understand you."

That's what He wants more than anything, for you to come to Him and let it ALL out with Him. Hit Him on the chest, slap Him in the face, yell your hurt and frustration and pain at His face, throw ALL your pain and hurt at Him. And you know what? Despite all that, He will STILL embrace you and whisper to you, "I love you, my child."

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for understanding me! Thank you for loving me! Thank you for dying for me! Thank you for saving me!
In Jesus' precious and sacrificed and loving name, Amen

James 5:13...Anybody who is having troubles should pray.

1 John 3:16...This is how we know what real love is: Jesus gave His life for us.

Heb 2:18...He is run to the cry of...those who are being tempted and tested and tried.

Jesus understands you.

God now understands you.

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